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Responsible owner

Kurant GmbH
Forchheimergasse 30A/4/1
A-1230 Vienna


Company Register Court:
FN 472270 s

Commercial Court Vienna:
Commercial Court Vienna

Managing Director:
Dr. Stefan Grill

Authorised signatory:
Marco Casar

Money laundering officer:
Matthias Prosser

Member of the Chamber of Commerce: 
Financial service providers specialist group

Competent supervisory authorities: Financial Market Authority (FMA), Municipal District Office for the 23rd district.
The applicable trade regulation is the Trade Regulation Act, which you can view at www.ris.bka.gv.at/bundesrecht.

Kurant GmbH owns the following subsidiaries:


Kurant Germany GmbH
Innstr. 69 B
94032 Passau

VAT: DE312753150

Commercial register: Amtsgericht Passau, HRB 11999

Managing director: Dr. Stefan Grill

Please note: Buying and selling of cryptocurrencies at our ATMs in Germany is provided by Sutor Bank. All activities requiring authorisation, in particular the financial commission business, are thus provided by Sutor Bank (Sutor Bank GmbH, Hermannstraße 46, D-20095 Hamburg).

Competent supervisory authority of Sutor Bank: Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Graurheindorfer Straße 108, D-53117 Bonn or Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28, D-60439 Frankfurt am Main.

Sutor Bank arbitration centres: Ombudsman of private banks, Customer Complaints Office at the Association of German Banks,
P.O. Box 04 03 07, 10062 Berlin

Telefon: 030 – 16 63 31 66
Fax: 030 – 16 63 31 69
E-Mail: ombudsmann@bdb.de
Webseite: Sutor Bank

European platform for online dispute resolution: The European Commission has set up a European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR platform) at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. The ODR platform can be used by a consumer for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online contracts with a company based in the EU.


Kurant Spain S.L.
Calle Marbella 20 – Piso 503
ES-07610 Palma de Mallorca

VAT: ESB16599490

Commercial register: Registro mercantil de Palma de Mallorca, tomo 2786, folio 199, hoja PM-85285

Managing director: Reinhold Lang

Competent supervisory authority: Banco de España

Page content

We have created our website with the utmost care. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any liability for the completeness and correctness of the contents.
Note on online dispute resolution in consumer matters

The EU Commission has provided an online platform for online dispute resolution (ODR platform) since 15 February 2016. This can be accessed under the link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Please note that Kurant GmbH is currently not participating in an alternative dispute resolution procedure offered there, so you cannot use the ODR platform.
Our policy on multi-level marketing business models

We expressly distance ourselves from so-called “multi-level marketing” programmes in the cryptocurrency sector and view the development of these ventures very critically. Without being able to give an exact assessment, we are of the opinion that these network marketing ventures can potentially harm their users and cryptocurrencies in general. We therefore try to the best of our ability to clearly communicate this position to customers as well. In case of doubt and in the case of third-party transactions, we reserve the right to inform customers about this policy or, if necessary, also to block them from making purchases.

We would also like to point out that we have identified fake profiles and clarify that we do not invite or encourage specific investment activities either verbally or in writing or via social media profiles.